Western Leaf Footed Bug
The western conifer seed bug belongs to the family Coreidae commonly called leaf-footed bugs and like many members of this family it has a flattened leaf-like expansion on the hind legs. In the 1980s Hasan Bolkan discovered that the leaf-footed bug was a cause of lesions on commercially produced pistachio crops. Managing Leaf Footed Bug In The Orchard Youtube Leaf Footed Bug Vegetable Garden Raised Beds Garden Insects Western leaffooted bug became the dominant leaf-footed bug species in Satsuma oranges by 2001 after its first appearance in Louisiana in 1996. Western leaf footed bug . Dear TM This is a Western Conifer Seed Bug indeed one of the Leaf Footed Bugs and you are correct that it is missing its distinctive hind legs. A western leaf-footed bug is not that harmful as their damage is limited to gardens and parks. Appears to have extended its range to include much of the US BugGuide data. The article is written by Dr. Leptoglossus clypealis the western leaf-footed bug ...